Everyone else pays for the crimes of a slippery bar owner during his one-man, 30-year New Orleans spree involving the mob, the FBI, the JFK assassination, the gay liberation movement, and murder. Based on real events.
Austin Film Festival Screenplay Competition |
2017 Second Rounder
WeScreenplay |
Rated 8.5/10
(Recommended + High Marketability)
Blacklist |
Script Rating: 8/10
Premise: 8/10
Dialogue: 8/10
Plot: 7/10
Setting: 8/10
Character: 7/10
Industry Reader Feedback...
"a professionally written piece of work that tells an important and unique story"
"Score: 8.5/10"
"Rating: Recommend, High Marketability"
- Reader RB33 - WeScreenplay
"compelling and heart-wrenching"
- Matt Dy
Screenplay & Teleplay Competition Director
Austin Film Festival (AFF)
"renders the experience of being gay in the 60s and 70s with a level of authenticity and nuance that is at times, breathtaking"
"raises a compelling theme of the search for identity that transcends the story's period setting"
"The dialogue is well characterized, economical and rich with subtext"
"a very strong script...and may also have some significant commercial prospects"
- Blacklist Evaluation #1 (8.0 avg.)
"breathtaking and tremendous finale"
"The dialogue [is] realistic and organic"
- Blacklist Evaluation #2
About the Screenplay...
The Fire UpStairs is based on the events that led to the Up Stairs Lounge fire in 1973 New Orleans.
The screenplay for The Fire UpStairs was written by Joseph Craig & Jason Rein of Atypical Tales and is currently on a quest to find the means to get it realized into a feature film.
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