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A captive on a British slave vessel joins the ship's navigator to rise against a ruthless captain who takes the ship on a murderous detour. Adapted from the true events of the 1781 Zong Massacre.

Top 15% of the 2021 Nicholl Academy Screenplay Competition

2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 Second Rounder at the Austin Film Festival Screenplay Competition*

2017 Quarterfinalist at the PAGE International Screenwriting Awards*

2017 Quarterfinalist at the BlueCat Screenplay Competition*

*as 'Cargo'

The Fire UpStairs
Everyone else pays for the crimes of a slippery bar owner during his one-man, 30-year New Orleans spree involving the mob, the FBI, the JFK assassination, the gay liberation movement, and murder. Based on real events.

2017 Second Rounder at the Austin Film Festival Screenplay Competition

Rated 8.5/10 (Recommended + High Marketability) on WeScreenplay

Rated 8/10 on Blacklist

Untitled Project
When a coal mine closes in on an African-American farming community in the Depression-era midwest, a burnt-out County Sheriff must solve a lynching that tears apart one family while touching his own.

Top 5% of the 2021 Nicholl Academy Screenplay Competition

2021 Atlanta Film Festival Screenplay Semifinalist

2018 Second Rounder at the Austin Film Festival Screenplay Competition

Joe Craig is a professional archaeologist and historian with a keen interest in turning complicated historical events into interesting and compelling stories.

Joe's love for cinema began in his teens as an usher in a Chicago movie house where he would sneak his friends only into those movies that he considered were good movies (apologies to General Cinema Corporation).

An award-winning author of fiction and non-fiction stories and articles and a popular public speaker, Joe credits his Irish roots for his love of story-telling and being able to embellish a tale with funny details, poignant circumstances, and memorable characters.

Jason Rein's story crafting aspirations began with clay animation and live-action 8mm film shorts in the early '90s.

He enjoyed a brief stint as a Production Assistant and Extra in Hollywood before returning to the midwest producing award-winning digital shorts and writing screenplays with Joe.

With experience splicing film, building a stop-motion module from a bucket of electronics parts, and rigging a model car with pyrotechnics, Jason has developed an allure for all facets of story crafting including writing, logo design, storyboard illustration, camera operation, music-making, motion graphics, and building props.

Connect with us to request a copy of any screenplay.